Saturday, January 10, 2009

Candida Directory or The The Massage Connection

Candida Directory: The Comprehensive Guidebook to Yeast-Free Living

Author: Helen Gustafson

Under normal conditions, Candida albicans lives quietly within our bodies, but under certain circumstances an overgrowth of this usually harmless yeast may occur, presenting a bewildering variety of debilitating symptoms. The Candida Directory is exactly that-a roadmap through the often-confusing landscape of information about this condition. Gourmet author, chef, and former sufferer, Helen Gustafson has joined forces with nutritional consultant, Maureen O'Shea and produced the most comprehensive yet easy-to-use manual for coping with Candida. There is a thorough explanation of each stage of the Candida diet, an invaluable symptom chart and checklist which allows you to accurately gauge your progress from stage to stage, as well as a product and resource guide. Best of all, there are sixty recipes specially created for each stage of the diet, including delicious contributions from Julia Child and Alice Waters.

Book about: Estudantes de Lei de Fundamentos de Negócios:Conceitos Essenciais e Aplicações

The The Massage Connection: Anatomy and Physiology

Author: Kalyani Premkumar

This is the anatomy and physiology text written especially for students and practitioners of massage therapy. This edition integrates massage therapy concepts within the anatomy and physiology content, including sections that discuss how massage interacts with the body systems. The book covers all of the major body systems--integumentary, skeletal, muscular, and nervous systems--that are crucial to effective massage therapy, and provides an overview of other body systems to give students a well-rounded understanding of anatomy and physiology.

Table of Contents:
Ch. 1Introduction
Levels of Organization - An Overview
The Holistic Approach
Systems of the Body
Planes of Reference
Anatomical Position
Directional References
Body Regions
Body Cavities
Levels of Organization
Effects of Age on Tissue
Implications for Bodyworkers
Ch. 2Integumentary System
Functions of the Skin
Structure of the Skin
Skin and Temperature Control
Variation in Skin Color
Absorption Through the Skin
Microorganisms on the Skin
Inflammation and Healing
Effects of Aging on the Integumentary System
Integumentary System and Bodyworkers
Ch. 3Skeletal System and Joints
The Skeletal System
The Human Skeleton
The Axial Skeleton
The Appendicular Skeleton
Individual Joints
Joints of the Pectoral Girdle and Upper Limb
Joints of the Pelvic Girdle and Lower Limbs
Age-Related Changes on the Skeletal System and Joints
The Skeletal System, Joints, and Massage
Ch. 4Muscular System
Muscle Tissue and Physiology of Muscle Contraction
Muscle Energetics
A Summary of the Role of CNS in Muscle Function Control
Physical Conditioning
Cardiac, Smooth, and Skeletal Muscle
Muscle Terminology and Major Muscles of the Body
Origin and Insertion of Muscles
Muscular System and Aging
Muscular System and Massage
Ch. 5Nervous System
Organization of the Nervous System
Sensory Nervous System
The Brain and Brain Divisions
Cranial Nerves
Control of Posture and Movement
The Autonomic Nervous System
Age-Related Changes in the Nervous System
Bodyworkers and the Nervous System
Ch. 6Endocrine System
General Properties of Hormones
Control of the Endocrine Glands
The Endocrine Glands
Age-Related Changes in the Endocrine System
Endocrine System and Massage
Ch. 7Reproductive System
Genetic Sex, Fetal Development, and Puberty
The Male Reproductive System
The Female Reproductive System
Ch. 8Cardiovascular System
Heart and Circulation
Blood Vessels and Circulation
Dynamics of Blood Flow
Regulation of the Cardiovascular System
Effect of Aging on the Cardiovascular System
Massage and the Cardiovascular System
Ch. 9Lymphatic System
Body Fluid Compartments
The Lymphatic System
Massage and the Lymphatic System
The Lymphatic System, Immunity, and Aging
Basic Concepts of Health and Disease
Immunity and Massage
Ch. 10Respiratory System
Functions of the Respiratory System
The Anatomy of the Respiratory System
Mechanics of Respiration
Gas Exchange
Regulation of Respiration
Effect of Exercise on the Respiratory System
Effect of Cold on the Respiratory System
Effect of Aging on the Respiratory System
Respiratory System and Massage
Ch. 11Digestive System
Functions of Gastrointestinal System
Components of the Gastrointestinal System
Walls of the Digestive Tract
Movement in the Digestive Tract
Factors Controlling Digestive Function
An Overview of Nutrition
Functions of Important Nutrients
Regulations of Food Intake
Blood Supply to the Digestive Tract
The Structure and Function of Individual Organs of the Digestive System
Movement in the Colon and Defacation
Digestion and Absorption of Food in the Gut
Basal Metabolic Rate
Age-Related Changes in the Gastrointestinal System
The Gastrointestinal System and Bodywork
Ch. 12Urinary System
Functions of the Urinary System
Urine Formation
Transportation and Elimination of Urine
Urination or Micturition
Age-Related Changes in the Genitourinary System
Bodyworkers and the Urinary System

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